Monday, February 28, 2011



            Last night we watched the Academy Awards. It’s a family tradition of ours to order Chinese food and sit down and watch the Oscars. My daughter and I watch it for the fashion dos and don’ts. We are the home version of What not to Wear.
             The biggest news of the Academy awards was when Melissa Leo who won for the Fighter dropped the F Bomb. C’mon people is it that big of a deal? Granted it was a bad speech but she was overwhelmed. What person has not let it slip once or twice? I know that I have. When my daughter was around the age of four she had pneumonia and we were on the way to the doctor. She was running a fever, throwing up in the back of the car, and I hadn’t slept for three days. I’m driving down the street and there was an accident so I take an alternate route. Ok, I am on my way making good time, but all of a sudden another driver decides to make a right hand turn from the left hand lane cutting me off and leaving me up on a curb. My instinct was to yell out my car window and tell him just what I thought of him. Yes, I said the F word and a few other choice words too. We finally get to the doctors office and I apologized for being late. While the doctor is examining my daughter, my dear sweet child decides she should apologize too. She told the doctor “ sorry we were late but some fucking asshole cut off my mommy.” I was mortified; I had not realized she was paying attention. The doctor and I looked at each other and she could see the horror in my eyes, then she started to laugh. When I was growing up I thought driving and swearing were synonymous.  My dad always referenced his ass to the way other people drove. Lenny Bruce once said, “Life is a four letter word” There are times when there are no other words to express just how we feel. Did you know that the F word can be used as a verb, adverb, adjective, interjective, noun, and can logically be used as virtually any word in a sentence according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. You have to admit it’s a pretty versatile word.
            By now you must think I’m an advocate for swearing and a horrible mother. I ‘M NOT!  My husband and I make a conscious effort not to swear in front of our daughter. We have a swear jar, so if one happens to slip you will pay for it. Now that I have written this article I am on the way to the bank so I can make my donation. WTF I’m out of gas.           


  1. Hey following you back! What a great idea to have a venting page!! :)

  2. Great blog and an excellent article. Following you back from MBC's Blog Hop. Thanks for following me! :)


  3. Oh my goodness, my daughters are almost 3 years and the other is 5 months... I have got to get a handle on the swear words, especially around my older one. Great blog! Thanks for sharing and making me feel better about my occasional slip of the swears! =)

  4. Newest follower from the Blog Hop Network. Please stop by and follow back.

    Have a great week!

  5. Love the idea of a venting page!!

    Hi! I'm a new follower on GFC!
    Have a nice day!

  6. I F---- love this post!! (sorry couldn't resit!!) Thank you for the great laugh!! What a fun blog! I feel bad, I made you cry and you cracked me up! Thanks for the great comments on my site! I'm a new and very happy follower from MBC.

  7. Too funny. I think most of us have that nasty little habbit of the F bomb from time to time. I know I do. lol Following back. Thanks for the follow. :)

  8. Of all the 4-letter words, I hate the "F" word the most, so I never say it, although I have let a few other 4-letter words slip while driving, because people just don't know how to drive.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. It's bad that even on TV you can't get away from the curse words.

    @HAHAHA at Laura ~ I have the same problem with drivers.


  10. I LOVE IT!!! That was just what I needed to wake my sick butt out of bed this morning! I laughed so hard, I sent myself into a coughing fit. When my oldest son was 4, we were shopping for groceries when out of his mouth spat..."Filthy, Filthy whore". There were two ladies in the isle. Not sure if they heard it, but my husband was horrified, since it was him that had uttered those words in the car, on the way to the store.

  11. That's hilarious. Kids are little sponges, they soak up everything good and bad. After years of giving my daughter 'motherly advice' - she's actually showing signs of it sinking in (she's 27) I asked her when did she get to be so smart and she said Mom I learned it from you.

    i was stunned you mean after telling her something more times than there are dollars in the national debt - it finally stuck : D I about dropped over LOL Raising kids is so much fun - enjoy the ride : D
